Empathy. Reading Others. 

Empathy - the ability to feel the mental states of another


is the ability to feel the mental states of another person,  
the ability to empathize with another person’s situation.


is also the ability to read and understand other people’s mood. 

at the beginning from our parents and guardians,

and then from everyone we meet.

Adults, by their example and conversations with
children show them:
how to react to other people’s emotions,
how to name them
and how to deal with their own emotions. 

How adults treat the child's emotion is also very important: do they name them, how they describe them and whether they judge them, reward or punish them. 

There are also situations when adults

suppress both themselves and their child's emotions,

they do not talk about emotions,

and they find it inappropriate to show emotions.

This way, of course, the child will find it difficult to recognize his own and other people's emotions. 

is to understand yourself and the ability to recognize and define your own emotions. Disorders in this area lead to problems with communication with the environment on many levels.

Such people cannot establish relationships with other people at work and in private life or:
* take a commanding attitude and tend to bully the surrounding
* vice versa, they are overly submissive and withdrawn. 

It is worth cultivating empathy and getting to know your and others' emotions because empathic people are more successful at work and in their personal lives. 

Psychologists point out three groups of factors that have the greatest impact on our level of empathy. They are: 

Biological predispositions
- researchers say that along with other features, we inherit the tendency for strong or weak compassion even up to 50%. 
Our temperament is also important. It is also another congenital feature. 

Psychological predispositions
- our emotional behaviour is influenced, among others, by our feelings - emotional relations with the closest family and, obviously, patterns from childhood. If, as children, we were brought up in a sense of security but also responsibility for other people, our level of empathy would be higher than if we were, for example, used to not bear any consequences of our actions. 

Environmental predispositions

many psychology researchers believe that the level of empathy can change with age. Theories on this subject are very different.

However, it can be stated that:
the way we live and the environment in which we operate on a daily basis have a great influence on our empathy

Empathy Map

If we assume that empathy depends on our experience and cognitive processes, there are ways we can influence it. 


Feeling like you've already improved your EQ? Take this test and check it out!


Funded by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union 

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

 2019 EIDE Project 
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