Page 21 - EIDE IO3 CF
P. 21

Regulating and   The learner knows the   The learner is able to identify and   The learner is able to   Explanation of the
 Facilitation Your Own   basic emotional   label his/her own emotions   apply basic emotional   relation given by the
 Emotions   facilitation techniques   facilitation techniques   learner.
 (reappraising, labelling) to   (reappraising, labelling) to
 practical situations.   practical situations.

                        The learner is able to
 The learner knows basic   apply basic emotional
 emotional regulation   regulation techniques
 techniques.            (especially response

 The Subconscious   The learner understands   The learner is able to identify triggers   The learner is able to   Explanation of the
 the concept of   of his/her own emotions in specific   apply the reframing and   relation given by the
 subconscious and its main  situations   rehearsal techniques to   learner.
 functions.             improve his/her

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