Page 45 - EIDE IO3 CF
P. 45


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 Learning outcome   Knowledge   Skills   Competence   Performance

    The learner knows and   The learner is able to   The learner is able to   Business plan created by
    can exemplify practical   identify practical digital   choose and use a   the learner,
    digital tools for business   tools for start-up   practical digital tool to   argumentation for the
 Using digital tools to   planning.   business planning.   create a basic business   choice of a specific tool/
 create a business plan   plan.

    The learner knows and    The learner is able to   The learner is able to     Presentation created by
    can exemplify practical   identify and use digital   apply the knowledge   the learner,
    digital tools for business   tools for presentations.   acquired and use a   argumentation for the
 Creating a business   presentations.   practical digital tool to   choice of a specific tools
 presentation for   create a basic business
 investors      presentation.

    The learner knows and   The learner is able to   The learner is able to   Material created by the
 Digital tools for   can exemplify practical   identify digital tools for   apply the knowledge   learner, explanation of
 accounting, billing and   digital tools for business   accounting, billing and   acquired and use a   the chosen tool.
 operations and   financials.   practical digital tool to
    management.   create a basic financial

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