Page 9 - EIDE IO3 CF
P. 9
The circle of values The learner understands The learner is able to The learner is able to Circle of values created
what a circle of values is. create his/her own circle assess the use of the by the learner and
of values circle of values to make decisions taken according
decisions (even to it, given hypothetical
hypothetical decisions) or real situations.
Mindfulness and The learner understands The learner is able to put The learner is able to Reactions of the learner
visualization the concepts of in practice mindfulness assess the use of in front of stressful
mindfulness and and visualization mindfulness and situations (real or
visualization techniques visualization techniques in hypothetical)
front of stressful
Active listening The learner understands The learner is able to put The learner is able to Performance of the
the concept of active in practice active listening assess the importance of learner in social
listening while interacting with active listening for interaction (body
others improving social relations language, summarizing
and for self development ability).
Provided by: HETEL