This profile focuses on the teacher competences needed for facilitating the development of a digital entrepreneurial mind-set and attitude.
We can divide those competences in different sections:
• Organizing a challenging and inspiring learning and working environment for students. An ‘explorative’ space where students and organisations are encouraged and welcomed to explore their potentialities and find ways to actualise them.
• Designing authentic challenges or projects together with colleagues, students and local entrepreneurs
• Mobilizing inspiring role models sharing real life stories about entrepreneurial challenges or experiences
Coaching (mentoring) skills: f.e. personal SWOT analysis technics / wheel of values / self-motivation / goal setting
Methodologies enhancing entrepreneurial attitudes and skills to discover opportunities, to gain resources and putting ideas into action such as:
• CANVAS business models
• Design thinking
• Appreciative inquiry
• Scenario planning
• (Online) networking / use of social media / influencing
• Setting connections at different levels (regional, national, international)
• Team building, conflict management, creation of effective teams
• Communication skills
• Empathy
• Resilience, tenacity
• Active listening
• Motivation, leadership
• Internet research skills
• Digital / IT skills / social media
• Numeracy
• Data management and analytics
Specific knowledge of entrepreneurship (EntreComp)
Taking into consideration this profile, the EIDE programme to train VET teachers to be entrepreneurship ambassadors is the following:
Entrepreneurship (2 hours)
- Definition of an entrepreneur
- Features of an entrepreneur. The EntreComp framework
Click HERE for the training material.
Coaching skills (5 hours)
- The role of a coach
- Personal SWOT
- Wheel of values
- The importance of active listening
- Setting SMART objectives
Click HERE for the training material.
Active learning methodologies (4 hours)
- Challenge based learning
- Design thinking
Objectives of the module
Being able to create a network is a key competence for an entrepreneur. Having a network will help to expand the business, choose the best providers, reach customers and get support from other entrepreneurs and/or oganizations which provide support and advise to entrepreneurs. On the other hand, teambuilding is also very important to create a good working environment where everyone feels included and valued, where everyone´s work is important and adds value to the company and every member of the team is encouraged to contribute with ideas and a proactive role.
With this module we intend to provide some tools/techniques addressed to improve the competences of a teacher to create effective teams from the start, by choosing the right combination of people, and to keep the effectiveness of the team and the nice working atmosphere during its performance. The teacher can use these tools/techniques with his/her own students and later on the students themselves can use them in the case they set up their own business.
Lastly, we will also provide some tips about how to network, which ways can be used to create a personal/professional network which can be very helpful for any learner.
Click HERE for the training material.
Networking and team building (3 hours)
- Creating effective teams (Belbin method)
- Peer coaching (Intervision method)
- Conflict management
Click HERE for the training material.
Digital competences (4 hours)
- Digital tools for data gathering and analytics
- Social media management
- Digital tools for an entrepreneur (Google sites, Wordpress, YouTube, infographics, newsletters…)
Click HERE for the training material.
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
You are free to use, adapt, reproduce and share the work as long as you do not use it commercially and indicate the creator (EIDE Project 2018-1-PL01-KA202-050863). More info HERE.